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Abdullah ibn Ibadh: The Truth Voice - The relationship between Abdullah ibn Ibadh and Jabir ibn Zaid

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The relationship between Abdullah ibn Ibadh and Jabir ibn Zaid

The information given in Ibadhi sources shows that 'Abdullah b. Ibadh played a secondary part in the foundation and the leadership of the Ibadhi movement compared with its first Imam and founder Jabir b. Zaid. It is reported that Ibn Ibadh in all his activities was acting according to orders from Jabir b. Zaid. It is also stated that Ibn Ibadh was the most prominent theologian of the time of Jabir b. Zaid, and that he was the one who refuted openly the view of opponent groups of Qadarites, Mu'tazilites, Muji'ites, Shi'tes, and extreme Kharijites. It is believed that Ibn Ibadh propagated openly the views of his school, despite the fact that the activities of the Ibadhi School were carried out in secrecy at that time, because he enjoyed the protection of his tribe. Another reason was that the Ibadhi movement after the revolt of Nafii' b. al-'Azraq was obliged to make its views about the Azraqites known to the public to keep the support of ordinary Muslims, and to the authorities to avoid their persecution.
Jabir b. Zaid who was the Imam of the Ibadhi movement at that time directed the activities of Ibn Ibadh. The school took the name of Ibn Ibadh, because he used to openly to propagate its views and was known to non-Ibadhi groups for refuting their views as also because of his clear and firm attitude against the extreme Kharijites. Another reason which made the Ibadhi school bear his name could be his political activities and his contacts with the 'Umayyad Caliph 'Abd al-Malik b. Marwan with whom he exchanged correspondence.
The Ibadhis did not use at first the name Ibadhis, instead they used the terms 'the Muslims' al-Muslimun, and 'community of the Muslims', Jama'at al-Muslimin, and 'the people of the mission', 'Ahl el-da'wah. The name Ibadhis is not mentioned in early Ibadhi works such as the Mudawanah of Abu Ghanim or any other early works. Later, however, they recognised and accepted this name. It first appears in Maghribi Ibadhi works in the treatise of 'Amrus b. Fath 200 H.

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